Our responsive grant program has an open funnel process that allows CFHZ to invest in opportunities across a broad range of issues and organizations.
There will be two opportunities to apply for a responsive grant in 2025. The deadlines for applications are:
March 3, 2025
August 25, 2025

Grant applications are reviewed and evaluated by the Distribution Committee or the Youth Advisory Committee with support from CFHZ staff. Review committees provide recommendations to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees for final grant determinations.
Organizations should anticipate approximately eight weeks between the application deadline and receiving a final decision on their proposal.
In order to begin the application process, please contact Director of Community Impact, Yadah V. Ramirez at yramirez@cfhz.org or 616-994-8862 who will speak with you and can provide you with an application.
Eligibility for Responsive Grants
Nonprofit organizations that are tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, schools, municipalities and other governmental entities that serve a charitable purpose in the greater Holland/Zeeland area.
The Foundation is committed to addressing a broad range of issue areas including arts and culture, community and economic development, environment, education, health, human services, housing, seniors, and youth.
Requests for the following purposes are eligible to apply for funding through CFHZ’s Responsive Grant Program:
- Capital. Funding for purchases of property, construction of new facilities, remodeling,
expansions of existing facilities or major equipment purchases. One-time funding, up to $40,000. - New programs for one-time and ongoing expenses. Funding for organizations to implement specific programs for the first-time including startup costs and costs that will occur repeatedly. Eligible for multi-year funding for a period of up to two years and a maximum total of $60,000.
- Existing programs for one-time and ongoing expenses related to a significant expansion or enhancement of the program. Funding for organizations to meaningfully grow or replicate a program for which they have a proven track record of impact. Eligible for multi-year funding for a period of up to two years and a maximum total of $60,000.
Requests for the following purposes are not eligible to apply for funding through CFHZ’s Competitive Grant Program:
- Operating support, Research and Planning, Evaluation, or Emergency requests for one-time or ongoing expenses.
- Capital projects outside of the Holland/Zeeland area.
- Requests from individual classrooms or school clubs.
- Religious programs that advocate specific religious doctrines or do not serve the broader community.
In considering eligible requests, CFHZ gives priority to proposals that:
- are core to the organization’s mission
- will have a lasting impact
- represent a turning or pivot point for the organization
- will address inequities
- demonstrate organizational capacity to successfully implement the proposed project or program as measured by:
- financial stability
- leadership capacity
- record of successful project/program delivery

Have Questions?
For more information or questions about grants, contact Yadah V. Ramirez, Director of Community Impact.